'In a nutshell, the likelihood of being unwell increases proportionately with the time spent traveling. You are in luck since there are several things you can do to minimize potential dangers and maintain the highest level of health possible while you are away from home. The following is a list of straightforward advice that you may take to keep yourself safe and healthy when you're driving:
'1. Buy Travel Insurance
'I never risk going somewhere without first purchasing 'travel' insurance. It gives me peace of mind while assuring me that I won't be responsible for anything if anything goes wrong if it does. You don't want to be in a position where you have to handle these circumstances by yourself, and you most certainly don't want to be in a place where you have to pay for them out of your wallet.
'2. Make Sure You Wash Your Hands (And Wear a Mask)
'If there is one thing that COVID has taught us, it is that washing one's hands are MUCH more vital than most people believe it to be. Unwashed hands are responsible for fifty percent of all food-borne infections, and studies have shown that up to fifteen percent of males don't even wash their hands after using the restroom. That's revolting, right?! After all, you've seen firsthand how passengers act on airplanes and other forms of public transit! The human race is very revolting. Your commitment to practicing good hygiene will ensure you remain in good health.
'3. Consume Water from Bottles
'The tap's water is not fit for human consumption in many areas of the globe. Even if the natives can consume it without any problems, you shouldn't even attempt it. Although purchasing water in bottles is a decent backup plan, doing so is a wasteful practice. I recommend carrying a filter with you, such as a SteriPen or a Lifestraw.
'4. Keep in Mind the Risk of Contamination in Food
'On vacation, the last thing anybody wants to deal with is an upset stomach or diarrhea. Always ensure the food you are eating is fresh, hot, and correctly prepared to prevent becoming 'sick' from common pollutants such as E. coli, Salmonella, and Giardia, as well as other unpleasant things.
'Stick to establishments that are frequented mostly by people from the surrounding area. If the locals continue to dine there, there is a good possibility that the establishment serves healthy meals. When in doubt, look for evidence that appropriate hygiene practices are being followed, such as using gloves, having a separate person handle the money, and often washing one's hands.
'One of my favorite things about traveling is getting to try the regional specialties and cuisines of the places I visit. I consider myself a gourmet. It's not something you should ever pass up on doing or experiencing. One must also possess a certain amount of common sense.
'If your stomach isn't adjusted to the new environment, diving headfirst into a diet of hot curries or mostly red meat is a reliable way to ensure that you'll have some gastrointestinal discomfort. Food intolerances occur when the digestive system cannot break down the food that has been consumed effectively. This may irritate the digestive tract, which in turn can cause symptoms such as stomach discomfort, cramping, gas, diarrhea, vomiting, and heartburn.
'6. Continue to Be Active
'Exercising regularly is one of the most effective strategies to maintain a fit and healthy body and ward off viruses and other pathogens. The advantages of physical activity are widely established and have been supported by a lot of research. Exercise has been shown to boost your immune system, reducing your risk of becoming sick and enhancing your general health and well-being.
'And if you end up becoming sick, your body will be better equipped to ward off the illness and get you back on your feet faster in the event it does. It is not infallible, of course, since even healthy people become sick sometimes, but in general, the fitter you are.
'7. Take Precautions against the Heat of the Sun
'A severe sunburn has the potential to spoil an otherwise enjoyable 'trip' completely. Years ago, while vacationing in Thailand, I made the mistake of snorkeling for excessive time without reapplying with my sunscreen. As a result, I received a bad sunburn. It was not an experience I would ever want to go through again! If you don't, dehydration may set in very fast, leading to more dangerous symptoms such as exposure, heat exhaustion, and heat stroke, all of which can constitute a medical emergency if they aren't treated right away.