'The one-of-a-kind black hue that can be seen on beaches all over the world and which is often generated by volcanic rocks is a significant appeal for visitors who want to increase the glam factor of their vacation. Beaches with 'black sand' are not only beautiful to look at but also quite inspirational. These magnificent beaches, some of which can be found in countries such as Hawaii, Greece, Spain, or Indonesia, encourage tourists to update their Instagram pages with enviable photos while also allowing them to enjoy tranquil landscapes and exciting activities.
'We are aware of your desire to spend quality time lazing on the beachfront, which is why we have highlighted black sand beaches that are attractive and comfortable enough to enjoy for a whole day. We have compiled a list of the top black sand beaches throughout the globe to assist you in planning your next beach vacation.
'1. The Beach Of Lafayette in Tahiti
'Have you ever considered leaving your tracks in the sand with a dark color? Your next destination should be one of the islands in the South Pacific. Lafayette Beach, which can be found in Tahiti, is known for its abundant supply of black sand. A magnificent beach well-known for the pink-colored base of its water and the lush cliffs surrounding it, this is a great place to laze away the day.
'Playa Jardin, which can be found in the north of Tenerife, is more popular with tourists. This inky utopia is a slice of paradise that is much loved and exceptionally well laid out on one of the most significant Spanish islands. This dark beach is brimming with allure due to Cesar Manrique. Amid verdant gardens that explode with brilliant blossoms, 'travelers' are led past stone walls and toward coal-black sand by waterfalls that trickle and palm trees that wave.
'3. Punalu'u Beach, Hawaii
'When you go to Punalu'u Beach, located on the southeast coast of the Big Island of Hawaii, you won't be the only one there. There is a good chance that hawksbill and green turtles will be your primary rivals for a comfortable location on the coal-black, glossy sand, even though there will be other visitors there. Reduce as much as possible your contact with these critically endangered creatures. Because they are protected, guests cannot go any closer than 15 feet. Because there is so much to discover on this expansive beach, you won't mind maintaining distance from other beachgoers. It would be a shame to pass up the opportunity to explore the adjacent Hawai'i Volcanoes, National Park.
'Talk about a lovely setting. The dark sands of Kamari Beach, located on the southeast coast of Santorini, eventually make their way into the resort town with the same name. Kamari Beach, which has one of the most expansive stretches of black sand on this volcanic island, provides a breathtaking panorama of the towering Mesa Vouno.
'5. Spiaggia Di Ficogrande, Italy
'The presence of a volcano on an island brings several benefits, one of the most notable of which is the creation of beaches with a very dark appearance. Consider the case of Stromboli. The most well-known beach on this beautiful Aeolian Island is Spiaggia di Ficogrande, which is widely regarded as one of the finest beaches with black sand to be found anywhere in the world.
'6. The Beach Of Lovina in Bali
'This length of volcanic sand is broad, spanning the coast for a distance of 12 kilometers and passing through seven small settlements. Due to the property's excellent location, you will discover a variety of eateries and boutique stores in the immediate area.
'Karekare Beach is a popular destination on the northwestern coast of New Zealand. This beach is known for its jet-black sand. Karekare Beach is reported to be even more beautiful than the more well-known Piha Beach, located only a short drive to the north and just 12 minutes away.
'8. The Beach At Black Sands in California
'I'll bet you didn't realize the United States had any 'beaches' with black sand on them. This black beauty may be found in the King Range National Conservation Area in California, which goes by the moniker Black Sands Beach. It is located on the southwestern extremity of the twenty-mile-long stretch of shore that extends from Shelter Cove to the Mattole River Campground.
'This beach is not the right place for you if you want to construct a sandcastle on the sand. Because the base is mainly made up of black stones and not sand, you should keep your shoes on while you are there.